Learn how to answer the hardest interview questions
Some interview questions were invented to make you feel uncomfortable. But there is a right way to answer those. Our program will teach you proven strategies that turn job interviews into job offers.

Co-created with a leading career coach
Pamela Skillings has helped thousands of people land jobs at companies like:

Hi, I’m Pam. Over the last 15 years, I’ve helped thousands of candidates land jobs at their dream companies. And I’ve come to realize one thing — people are horrible at interviewing for jobs. Solely because it’s a skill no one ever taught them.
That’s why I created Big Interview. Simple software for boosting your interview skills. And you know what? Unlike your professional skills you’ve taken years to master, learning job interviewing is easy. It boils down to understanding a few simple techniques, and figuring out what your interviewers want to hear.
And no, it’s not about tricking people into thinking you’re something you’re not. It’s about presenting how your strongest assets are exactly what the hiring manager needs.
This Is What You’ll Learn
The Right Approach to Interviewing
A job interview is not an interrogation and shouldn’t feel like one. By making simple shifts to your mindset, you can immediately get rid of all (alright, *most*) of the interview stress. Even if you’re pressed for time, the first few lessons will teach you the basic best practices, explain what you can expect depending on your circumstances, and give you actionable tips to calm your nerves — that will be enough to put you ahead of the competition.
What Questions to Expect
Together with industry experts, we have curated dedicated sets of questions for 1000+ professions in 200+ industries. Instead of learning the same generic formulas for answering “common” interview questions (everyone else does that), you’ll know the most likely script for YOUR upcoming interview. And you’ll get sample answers to all those industry-specific questions so you know exactly how to craft your response.
How to Tell Stories
Interviewers love stories. And before you say, “but I have no professional stories to tell,” or, “I’m not a gifted storyteller,” stop right here. There are easy templates for telling stories that grab hiring managers’ attention. Better yet, those templates showcase your skills and prove exactly how you can contribute to the organization. One such story and you immediately go from “we’ll call you,” to “you’re hired.”
How to Deal with Interview Challenges
No matter what goes wrong during the interview, no matter how harsh the interviewer seems, no matter your “hopeless” career situation, there’s a fix. Big Interview gives you readymade solutions to any interviewing roadblocks you might face. Resume gaps? No problem. Zero experience in the field? Easy. Think you’re overqualified? Don’t worry about it. Extremely introverted? We’ve got you covered. Non-native English speaker? No sweat.
This Is How You’ll Learn
Does “Learning” sound overwhelming? With our curriculum that’s been tested, re-tested, and refined with over 1,000,000 users, it’s easy and fun. Got an interview tomorrow? You’ll only need 2 hours to learn the critical stuff. Expecting an interview sometime soon? Learn for 10 minutes a day (instead of scrolling through TikTok) and you’ll be flooded with offers.
Video and Written Training Modules
Meticulously organized to save you from gathering all the information from different sources online.
Watch actionable video lessons with our experts.
Set your difficulty level, industry, role type and get a truly individual learning experience.
Learn from ready-made tracks tailored to your specific challenges, how much time you have, and where you are in the application process.

Quizzes to Challenge Yourself
After each module, you can take a quiz. This way, you’ll see how much you’ve learned and ensure you have it down before going into practice mode.
Track your progress and feel proud of how much you’ve learned.
Learn more effectively through seamless repetition.
Re-take each quiz as many times as you need.
Practice and Get Feedback with AI
After learning how to answer specific questions, put theory to practice in our AI-based mock interview simulator. Get instant evaluation of your performance and tips for what to improve.
Record your answers and have our advanced AI immediately analyze your replies.
Eliminate awkward pauses, “umm,” “ohs,” and learn what words to use to enhance your message and impress interviewers.
Get feedback on your body language and eye contact.

Why you should learn interviewing

Interviewing for jobs is a life skill that you’ll need to use more than once. Learning how to do it will let you enjoy a happy, rewarding, and more fulfilling career.
You’ll know how to deal with all kinds of questions thrown at you — no matter if it’s an interview with a new company or an internal interview.
You’ll understand the real psychology and motivations behind common interview questions — something 9 out of 10 candidates miss.
Negotiation will become easy and comfortable for you. It will feel like a productive conversation between adults, not a desperate power struggle.
You’ll always keep your composure during the most difficult work situations (and this applies to more than job interviews).
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Join millions of people who are landing their dream jobs
“Big Interview has helped me prepare for so many interviews. So many job offers. If you haven’t used this app, you really need to.” - Dayonna Thomas